Muslim Reproductive History & Culture

A Muslim Peoples' Timeline of Reproductive Justice

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim  // In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

This timeline is an offering to both the mainstream reproductive justice (RJ) sector and our beloved Muslim communities. It was created at the Auburn Seminary Muslim Reproductive Justice Cohort Opening Retreat in June 2023 and supplemented by HEART staff, consultants, and community members. This is an offering and creation for and by our communities. The timeline integrates stories related to reproductive justice from the Quran, Islamic history, life of the prophets, movement history, and our personal experiences.

This timeline is not a comprehensive history; this is a work in progress. While we are proud of the labor of love and community contributions that went into this timeline, we know that this timeline doesn’t capture all of Muslim history. As our work grows, this timeline will grow.

Stories of Historical Figures

Experiences and Activities to Note

Milestones in History

Personal RJ Histories

Honoring Discomfort

The stories of historical Islamic figures are being shared with an emphasis on reproductive justice. Centering the sexual and reproductive decision-making of our beloved Islamic figures is not common for many of us.  At times, the ways the stories are shared may cause discomfort. We ask for grace and openness as you read the stories. We ask for our readers to bear witness before reacting. Notice what is coming up and let those emotions be. Sit with them. We hope these stories and grounding in our collective histories softens our hearts and deepens our rahma, or compassion, for Muslims navigating sexual and reproductive decisions.


Life of the Prophet (SWT)

Marriages in the Life of the Prophet (SWT)

Each marriage was with a purpose and was on the basis of fair and equitable treatment. A limitation of 4 wives was established during his prophecy for the ummah.

Early Islam

1600s - 1900s

1900 - 1940s

1950s - 1960s

1970s - 1980s

1990 - 2000s
