Occupation of Palestine
In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians were exiled and displaced by Israeli forced during the first Nakba. Too many kept the keys to their houses waiting for the right to return home.
Grandmother’s Autonomy
The 1947 partition borders limited grandmother's autonomy and choice.
Proposed Partition of Palestine
In 1947, the UN proposed partitioning Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. Violence breaks out as Zionist militias attack Palestinian towns.
Henrietta Lacks
In 1945, Henrietta Lacks, a poor Black tobacco farmer, passed of cancer. Her cell tissues were harvested against her will. In the scientific community, she's known as the HeLa human cell line.
Alpha Kappa Alpha
From 1935 to 1941, members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, a sorority of Black college women, set up mobile clinics on Mississippi plantations to provide basic health screenings, education, and treatment.
Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail
After graduating from Boston City Hospital in 1927, Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail works as a nurse at the Indian Hospital on the reservation. She raises objections to the abuse Crow patients receive from white doctors, including frequent sterilization of Crow women without their knowledge.
Eugenical Sterilization Act
In 1924, Carrie Buck, a 17 year old unwed mother was diagnosed as “feebleminded” and was the first person to be sterilized under Virginia’s 1924 Eugenical Sterilization Act.
Lady Lovers
In the 1920s and 1930s, Black queer women build social networks in northern cities like New York and Chicago. Known as “lady lovers,” they meet, drink, and dance at speakeasies and parties. A popular entertainer included Gladys Bentley.
Invasion of Palestine
From 1920s to 1930s, large-scale Jewish immigration to Palestine increases tensions with the Palestinian population, leading to riots and violence.
Invention of the Pap Smear
In 1928, the pap smear was invented, a test to check for cervical cancer. By 1941, cervical cancer went from the #1 killer for people with uteruses to now 14k cases/year.
The Balfour Declaration
In 1917, the Balfour Declaration pledges British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine under British control.
Creation of the American Birth Control League
In 1916, Margaret Sanger established the American Birth Control League, currently Planned Parenthood Federation of America. While the creation and promotion of birth control allowed for more sexual agency, it was also tested on Puerto Rican women and used for population and eugenics purposes in Black and brown communities.
Sykes-Picot Agreement
In 1916, a secret treaty between the UK, France, and Russian empires for the partition of the Ottoman Empire