Sex & Intimacy
The Prophet (PBUH) had a structure to engage in sexual intimacy with all his wives. He was known to give pleasure related gifts to his wives.
Year of Sorrow
The year that Khadijah (R) passed in 619 CE was also the year the Prophet (S) lost his beloved grandfather. This is known as the year of sorrow where his grief was documented as was his depression.
First Revelation
Prophet (PBUH) receives first revelation while meditating in the cave of Hira 610 CE from the Angel Jibrīl. The Prophet (PBUH) was told repeatedly “iqra,” or “read,” even though he was illiterate. He was shaken to his core, and went to his wife, Khadijah (RA). She modeled how to respond with rahma; she offered comfort, believed him, and took him to her cousin to help.
Prophet’s (PBUH) First Marriage
The Prophet (PBUH) was married to Khadijah (RA) in 595. He had 6 biological children with Khadijah during their 25 year monogamous marriage. Khadijah (RA), a successful business woman, was 40 years old with children from her previous marriage when she married the Prophet (PBUH), who was 25 years old and worked for her. Their marriage set a precedence of empowered decision making around marriage, disrupting cultural norms regarding age, class, and status.
Caretaking of the Prophet (PBUH)
The Prophet’s (PBUH) mother Aminah passed away from illness in 575 CE. Now as an orphan, he was under the care of his paternal grandfather Abdul Muttalib until he also passed in 578. At this point, his uncle took over care for him. All the caretakers treated him as kin and protected him. Through the Prophet’s (PBUH) life, we can see the varied and expansive ways kinship show up, beyond just biology.
Birth of the Prophet (PBUH)
The Prophet (PBUH) is born 570 CE. His father passed before his birth so his mother, Aminah, raised him with support of wet nurse Halimah. Aminah, the Prophet’s (PBUH) mother, made the intentional decision to prioritize the health and wellness of her child even if that meant being separated from him for a period of time. She died when the Prophet (S) was 6 years old.